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Gifting Season is Here - Do you Know How to Beat your Competition?

Published: 5/8/24
October 19, 2021

Gifting season is around the corner and now’s your last chance to make sure that you’re ready to go when it comes to online sales. In the aftermath of COVID, gift purchasing has moved online in epic proportions.

Now’s the time to reflect on last year:
Did you learn from your successes and failures from last holiday season?
Did you have the necessary data at your fingertips to make critical decisions at the right time?
Were you able to discover your competitors’ best practices before it was too late?
Could you track where your competitors were winning in real time and react immediately?

If the answer is no or even “it depends”, we’ve got you covered. With Konnecto, DTC brands can prepare, and change on a dime, their digital strategies, budgets, and overall focus based on a deep analysis of historic and ongoing data. You can look at where you’ve succeeded and not, where the competition is winning (or has done extremely well), partnerships and positions you need to take ASAP. In the competitive holiday landscape, this ability to make decisions and changes on the spot is critical. Konnecto allows you to monitor in real time, find live opportunities before anyone else, identify gaps and act on them fast.

This process is called go-to-market intelligence and it will change the way you sell this gift season.

We call the process “zoom-out, zoom-in”

GTM intelligence with Konnecto is your chance to take a step back and see what’s going on in your industry, whether it’s jewelry, mattresses, tech products, electronics or highly desired online services and toys. With our reverse engineering process, you’ll be able to gain visibility into what’s going on between you and your competitors, and how you need to act ASAP.

We’ll zoom out on the market to analyze where your competitors are grabbing consumers and how you can get in on the action. We’ll slice and dice your data to identify the gaps that you need to act on, and the exact times and places that your consumers decide to purchase from a competitor. We’ll also look at multiple consumer journeys to see where you’re losing competitors and why.

We can do this on a daily basis, which is critical in a crucial time-crunched period such as the holiday season.

Then we’ll “zoom-in”. The zoom-in part of GTM is the fun part- it’s time to close the gap. We’ll give you actionable recommendations to help you target your potential customers, and we’ll change our recommendations based on what’s working and what isn’t. During the holiday season, you don’t have time to wait weeks to see if a campaign is working or if a sale is meeting its goals. Trust us to keep track of the data and let you know when to change things up.

Now’s the time to boost your online sales and learn from the past

Today’s global atmosphere combined with the technological tools available gives you the opportunity to sell anything you desire online. From diamond rings to high-priced electronics, mattresses, and even cars, the potential is unlimited. But only if you have the right data - and you know what to do with it.

This holiday season, gain the advantage you need with GTM intelligence. With minor changes, your sales will skyrocket and customers will flock to your website.

Happy holidays!

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